Let’s get to know each other

Let’s talk together about your vision.


Our Co-Founder Colin is looking forward to talking to you

Join us to discover the potential of AI and XR applications for your institution. Simply book a free 15-minute consultation and get-to-know-you session with Colin, one of our managing directors. Together, we’ll evaluate how our innovative solutions can help you move forward.

Together with you

Leveraging technologies to shape the future together.

Artificial intelligence

optimizes business processes and increases efficiency to sustainably strengthen the product.

Augmented Reality

Enrich reality with a new level according to your personal ideas.

Virtual Reality

Immerse yourself in environments all your own. In a virtual reality, there are no limits to your imagination.

Our dear clients

Von Poll Immobilien
Smarte Grenzregion zwischen den Meeren
RBZ Steinburg
Comic Center Kiel

Our partners and networks

Virtual Dimension Center

Ready to dive in?

We would be happy to tell you more about our technologies. Whether digitally or in presence with us in Kiel.
Together we will check whether and to what extent XR and AI are suitable for your company.

© 2024 HoloNative GmbH | Made with ❤ in Kiel

© 2023 HoloNative GmbH | Made with ❤ in Kiel